Tuesday, April 16, 2024

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 16 Shah of Iran started giving military aid to Barzani to pressure Iraq to give him control over Shatt al-Arab


1914 US consul in Baghdad reported rumors spread that all Christians and Jews in city

would be massacred due to start of 2nd Balkans War Rumors started after newspaper asked Mufti and Shiite clergy what was duty of Muslims in war They said to protect Islam and raise money Said Christians were defiling Muslim women in Balkans

Saturday, April 13, 2024

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 13 Gen Qasim made cover of Time magazine


1915 British won Battle of Shaiba Ottomans had 4200 casualties 700 captured UK 1232 casualties

            Ottoman commander Askari killed himself in disgrace British 1200 casualties

Friday, April 12, 2024

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Review Assyrians in Modern Iraq, Negotiating Political and Cultural Space

Benjamen, Alda, Assyrians in Modern Iraq, Negotiating Political and Cultural Space, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, New Delhi, Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2022


Iraq is one of the most diverse countries in the Middle East and yet there are very few books about the different groups outside of the Kurds that make up the population. That means that Alda Benjamen’s Assyrians in Modern Iraq, Negotiating Political and Cultural Space is a welcomed addition to the canon. She focuses upon the struggle by Assyrians to achieve their rights within the country from the Ottoman period up to modern Iraq with most of the book focusing upon the 1950s-80s.

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 16 Shah of Iran started giving military aid to Barzani to pressure Iraq to give him control over Shatt al-Arab

  1914 US consul in Baghdad reported rumors spread that all Christians and Jews in city would be massacred due to start ...